Content Creation Equipment & Software Filmmaking & Videography

Travel vlogging is an exciting way to share once in a lifetime experiences with your audience through video. These types of vlogs are very popular and easy to make. Audiences don’t expect flawless footage, appreciating seeing exotic and exciting places in authentic ways. So, what exactly will you need for a travel vlog?

Travel Vlogging: What Will You Need?

It’s important to plan ahead for travel vlogging. Aside from things such as clothing and choosing what sights to see, you need to think practically in terms of making your video. Take some time to think about what you want to capture, and how that will affect what you need to take. Let’s take a look at our top tips and list of must-haves!

Travel vlogging equipment what do i need to take

Travel vlogging equipment what do i need to take

Camera & Lenses

This seems like the most obvious thing to take for travel vlogging – but what type of camera works best? It depends on a range of factors:

  • Are you shooting stills also or just video?
  • Will you be shooting long distance objects such as animals?
  • Do you need a camera that can function underwater?
  • Will you be shooting in low light often?

If you can’t take lots of external lights, your camera and lenses need to function well in a range of lighting. Mirrorless cameras such as the Sony A7 series or Panasonic Lumix series work great for this.

There is, of course, the option of using your smartphone. Quality these days is great, and it will help you to pack lighter. You can always take some accessories to make your footage even more interesting!

We wouldn’t recommend taking an expensive, bulky DSLR for travel vlogging. It may be a possibility if you are staying in Air B&B’s and aren’t planning on travelling for too long. Maybe you even have a DSLR already and don’t want to buy another camera for one trip. However, smaller cameras are mostly inexpensive whilst enabling you to travel lighter, so that would be our recommendation.


Travel vlogging lighting what lights to take for travel vlog

If you do want to take lighting options with you, we would recommend smaller, portable and chargeable lights. It’s unlikely that you will be pouring over three point lighting set-ups, so lighting can remain fairly simple. A great lighting option is the Lume Cube Panel Mini. It’s compact and comes in at around $60, and has attachments for both DSLRs and smartphones.

If you are choosing to use your smartphone, there are external lighting options that are lightweight and easy to use. Check out our list of smartphone accessories for creating great video content for some suggestions!

Travel Case

A travel case will help to keep your equipment organized, safe and transportable. You can buy backpack/rolling combo backpacks such as Pelican’s S115 Sport Camera Backpack. This can hold your camera, lenses and computer. Seeing as you will be filming outside (or near water), look for waterproof options with padding to avoid water or impact damage.

Stock Footage

Stock footage travel vlogging top tips

Stock footage can be a great addition to help transition between your shots. No matter how hard you try, you may feel like your footage is missing something, and that’s where stock footage comes in. Sites such as Shutterstock, Pexels, Unsplash can help!


No travel vlog is complete without music to heighten the scenery, views and to highlight your journey in the most effective way. Do your research on copyright law, as well as sites such as YouTube’s policy. You need to make sure that you have the rights to use the music, or license music legally.

If you need music for your travel vlog, your best option is to license your music properly through a company such as Audiosocket. Starting at $10 a month, you can have unlimited access to over 80,000 tracks! With various genres and moods, it couldn’t be easier to find music to match the content in your videos. Get started now!

Final Thoughts

Travel vlogging tips filming a traAAvel vlog

Planning out some ideas for shots or attractions that you want to capture will allow you to pick your equipment better. Try to cover all of your bases without taking entire suitcases full of equipment, and remember to enjoy yourself. If your footage is authentic, audiences and subscribers will appreciate it more. After all, you are travelling to see sights and find adventure in the world for yourself as well as to share it with others!

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